FDT Speedball is here!

Foam Dart Thunder Speedball

FDT Speedball is here!

Sign up now here: https://www.foamdartthunder.com/speedball

Competitive Nerf is gaining popularity across the globe and Foam Dart Thunder are proud to announce the arrival of FDT Speedball! This will see teams of 5 players playoff against eachother in fast paced, 2 minute timed games in 3 rounds of action at a time!

All blasters and ammo are provided! Bring eye protection or you can or borrow ours.

Leagues will last 10 weeks running from Friday 2nd March from 19:30-20:30.

Don’t be put off if you don’t have a ready made team of 5 – most of our players won’t, so we’ll build teams around you and your friends.

Weekly sessions will cost £6 per player, payable in one go by the team captain if in a team, or individually if not, via the FDT website and must be booked in advance. This keeps it simple for us and means we can predict how many teams will be attending each week. No cash on the night please!

Results and league standings will be posted on the website. There will be prizes for both league winners and obviously the UK Nationals champions will win something special too!

Age = recommended 10+. These blasters are aimed at 14yo and up and can be hard to operate for smaller hands.

VERY IMPORTANT POINT – we’re not looking to make loads of money out of Speedball. We’d rather establish it as a new extreme sport and are looking to build a global audience. We’ll be experimenting with live streaming via our Youtube channel to try to build that audience. We’ll try to attract sponsors as well but in Season 1 we’ll just be building the foundation for the league going forward 🙂

We’ll be looking for more leagues across the UK to spring up so get in touch if you’d like to be involved.

For now see the info page and sign up here:

Speedball info page